Do Air Purifiers Work?

One of the common responses many folks have when they are feeling sick is to fire up an air purifier. This is particularly true when the sick person is a young child with a form of respiratory disease such as childhood asthma. Clients ask, “When do air purifiers work and when not. Is it worth the cost of the purchase and operation?” [Read more…]

Six Signs of Indoor Air Contamination in the Home

Mold contamination has become the most common indoor air quality issue we encounter, both in commercial and residential buildings. Based on frequency, mold is followed by formaldehyde, other volatile organic compounds, and finally pesticides. We are often asked by clients how to recognize that a contaminant is present. This is not an easy question, but I will try to summarize the most common signs that occur in the residential home. [Read more…]

Other Indoor Contaminants: Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is a fascinating compound for a lot of reasons. It is one of the most common chemicals used in all kinds of products. It has been around for decades in products used in the office, home and school. And it recently has been classified as a known carcinogen and the regulating agencies want to reduce exposures by setting very low recommended exposure limits. [Read more…]