Why be Concerned about Mold in the Attic?
We frequently are asked to remove mold from a residential attic. There is little doubt that it occurs under certain conditions. Is it, however, a health hazard?
It is useful to remember the air dynamics of any building, including your home. Warm air rises and you can try to stop it but you won’t. Starting from the basement, air is heated, either by winter time heating or just plain hot weather, and moves upward. This convection forces air out of the basement and eventually the air arrives in the attic.
The reason that we ventilate an attic is to release the air, and attendant moisture t
hat it has absorbed, so that it does not accumulate in the space. Back in the day, this was pretty straight forward, since there were not many moisture sources in the home that added to the moisture load. A couple of gable vents were usually sufficient to vent the air (and moisture).
Fast forward to the present and there are many more moisture sources to manage. Just a simple thing as replacing clapboard or asbestos siding with vinyl changes the whole ventilation dynamic of the home. Vinyl is impermeable and the air that used to get to the home and attic does not. The home no longer breathes the way it used to. [Read more…]